Ready for our next new song? It’s all about parts of the body! In this all-new video for our song “Todo mi cuerpo,” a boy decides to dance and swim with his whole body. Like the English song “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes,” this new Calico Spanish song helps children can learn how to talk about the parts […]
Standards-Based Grading (SBG) has proven to be a helpful grading technique for #langchat teachers. Discussion on how SBG might be used in a world language classroom was the topic for last week’s #langchat. – Follow the blog on Bloglovin – Defining Standards-Based Grading Last Thursday, #langchat opened with defining Standards-Based Grading (SBG) and determining how […]
Could you use a new music resource to help your early learners use me gusta? What about descriptions and activities? How about a brand new Calico Spanish song? Wait. Just a minute. You mean, like the songs that are among the most popular children’s Spanish learning songs on YouTube? The ones with millions and millions of […]
How can teachers address proficiency targets while engaging a range of students in traditionally-labeled language levels? This challenge was a reoccurring theme discussed in last week’s #langchat on how traditional world language levels align with proficiency levels. However, #langchat participants shared their strategies for integrating both concepts in the classroom. – Follow the blog on Bloglovin – […]
It feels like a catch-22, doesn’t it? Research shows that language learners need to hear or see a word in context many, many times in order to be able to use that word or phrase or language feature whenever they want. But wait- those learners also have to be engaged in order to acquire language. Bored […]
How can learners given less than 90 minutes per week for language class develop real proficiency? They can’t, according to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Unless, that is, they have additional time outside of class to receive comprehensible input and interact in the language. But how will they get this extra time? […]
Are you looking for more content to help you show Spanish greetings and introductions to your learners? GREAT NEWS! After recently uploading one of our first non-song videos in a long time, we’ve just added FIVE more, and we think that you’re going to find them super useful and that your learners will love them. […]
It’s undeniable: when it comes to contact time with students in world language classes, elementary teachers have the short end of the stick. (Don’t miss a post; follow us on Bloglovin’!) (This GIVEAWAY is CLOSED.) In part one of this brief series, we shared some tips on how you can partner with your school’s computer […]
How can you improve your communication to effectively give meaningful feedback to students? Last week, #langchat took on the extra important topic of figuring out ways to effectively communicate with students in order to give them meaningful feedback that will help them make improvements in their language learning journey. Participants started by sharing their tips […]
What’s the top complaint of elementary world language teachers? TIME. I cannot tell you how often I hear teachers and world language district specialists alike lament the prevailing mood in schools and districts that we really ought to be producing better results in language proficiency in our younger learners, and we really ought to be […]