by DoDEA Communications Welcome back to #langchat! Last Thursday, participants took part in a lively debate on the place of teacher input and student inquiry in the language classroom. They discussed teachers’ and students’ respective responsibilities in terms of content. Participants also reflected on the place of student-centered inquiry models, brainstormed how teachers can help […]
by Amistad Institute Last Thursday, #langchat participants were eager to dive into a chat about grit. They started by describing what grit looks like in a learner, and they reflected on difficult tasks that can cause learners to give up. Participants brainstormed ways to make students feel successful and ways to help them at moments […]
by ilmicrofono.oggiono #Langchat participants met last Thursday to discuss how to get students motivated in world language classes. Drawing inspiration from Daniel Pink’s book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, they reflected on how to help students find purpose in learning another language, how to support student autonomy, and how to highlight student […]
Last week, #langchat participants met to chat about integrated performance assessments (IPAs). They began by discussing IPA content, set-up, and execution. Participants then reflected on how to assess and provide feedback on an IPA and commented on anything else that instructors might need to account for in creating and implementing an IPA. Lots of instructors […]
Welcome back to #langchat! Last Thursday, participants discussed how to best meet the needs of all students in a class, regardless of level. They began by describing what multiple ability levels look like in the classroom before reflecting on how to fairly assess students whose proficiency levels vary in a single class. Langchatters then discussed […]
by heraldpost Last Thursday, #langchat participants were eager to dive into a conversation on transitions in an effective language classroom. They reflected on how they time activities and what factors they take into consideration in doing so. Langchatters also discussed what considerations go into their sequencing of activities and what transitions work best in their […]
by BES Photos Last Thursday, #langchat participants gathered to take part in a lively discussion about student accuracy. They reflected on areas of students’ performance that suffer most from inaccuracy, when to correct students for lack of accuracy, and how to approach grading when accuracy is a problem. Participants also brainstormed ways to help students […]
by flickingerbrad Welcome back to #langchat! Last week, participants met to discuss how to supplement a proficiency or communication-based classroom with textbooks and technology. They shared when and how often they employ textbook resources in the classroom and how they put a proficiency or communicative spin on these resources. Next, they recommended technology that promotes […]
by giftedstudieswku Last week, #langchat participants discussed a HOT topic—literally! The discussion centered on higher order thinking skills (HOTS), and instructors worked together to figure out what HOTS mean for novice learners, to discuss forms of support that encourage learner engagement in HOT, and to brainstorm ways to integrate HOTS in interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational […]
by TikTik Last week, #langchat was a flurry of activity! Langchatters discussed useful games for vocabulary practice, interactive communication practice, writing skills, and review, while also sharing other favorites. Participants were left dazed and confused, exclaiming, “My #langchat head is spinning!,” (@ShaneBraverman), “I’m gonna need more RAM just for all my #langchat tabs!” (IndwellingLang), and […]