
We help kids learn to speak real Spanish. For life.™

by Haylee Ziegler on Mar 16, 2025

Comprehensible Input: 6 things to know!

Comprehensible input is a key concept in language learning, but it is often misunderstood. Whether you’re a language teacher, a homeschool parent, or just curious about how people acquire new languages, understanding comprehensible input can help demystify the process.

The Calico Spanish curriculum uses comprehensible input as a foundation for our curriculum. This can be a misleading sentence, because comprehensible input is really just making language understandable for all learners. Our program is comprehensive and begins with Level A and the language is repeated and reused across each unit and level of the program.

Here are six essential things to know about comprehensible input and how it supports language acquisition.

6 things to know about comprehensible input

#1. Comprehensible input is not a teaching method or a thing you become. 

If you join online forums and conversations revolving around language teaching, you may see people refer to themselves as “CI teachers.” We are here to tell you that comprehensible input is not a method or thing you become. There is no such thing as a “comprehensible input” activity unless you know that the language inside the activity can be understood by learners. For input to be comprehensible, learners have to understand it! You can show a video, tell a story, or listen to a song and the language can be completely incomprehensible for learners. The goal is for the language being spoken or read to be comprehended by learners. What is comprehensible to one learner may not be comprehensible to the next.

#2. Comprehensible input refers to language that a learner can understand, regardless of their knowledge of grammatical structures. 

One of the most important aspects of comprehensible input is that learners do not need to consciously understand grammar rules in order to grasp meaning. Instead, they absorb the language through context, visual cues, and familiar vocabulary. This is how young children learn their first language—by hearing words and phrases repeatedly in meaningful situations. In the Calico Spanish curriculum, you won’t find grammar drills or verb conjugation charts because they simply aren’t needed or necessary for learners to communicate in Spanish with real Spanish speakers!

#3. The input should be slightly beyond the learners’ current level in order to facilitate language development and growth. 

For language acquisition to occur, input should be at a level that challenges the learner without overwhelming them. Linguist Stephen Krashen, who developed the concept of comprehensible input, refers to this as “i+1,” where “i” is the learner’s current level and “+1” represents slightly more advanced language. This encourages learners to make connections and expand their understanding naturally. In our curriculum, you will find that learners focus on small functional chunks of language at a time and we add additional words that push learners to further their conversations in Spanish.

#4. Repetition of vocabulary, in multiple contexts, is crucial for language acquisition. 

Hearing the same words and phrases in different contexts helps solidify understanding and retention. For example, if a learner hears the word “apple” in a sentence about food, in a story about a picnic, and in a conversation about shopping, they are more likely to remember its meaning. Repetition allows learners to internalize language patterns without the need for explicit memorization.

#5. Your learning environment plays a role in learners’ ability to comprehend language. 

A supportive and engaging environment makes it easier for learners to understand and absorb language. Nonverbal cues, visual aids, gestures, and tone of voice all contribute to making input comprehensible. Additionally, reducing anxiety and creating a low-stress atmosphere encourages learners to take risks and engage with the language more effectively.

#6. You can provide comprehensible input in a variety of ways. 

There is no such thing as “one right way” to deliver comprehensible input to learners! There are many ways to incorporate comprehensible input into language learning. Storytelling, visual aids, songs, games, gestures, and real-world interactions all help make language more understandable. Teachers can adjust their speech by slowing down, using simpler words, or providing examples to ensure learners grasp the message. The Calico Spanish curriculum utilizes video stories, comics, songs, interactive games, and group activities to provide comprehensible input to learners.

Ready to get started on the greatest variety of experiences we could develop for you and your learners, or any child you love? Try Calico Spanish FREE today. There’s no obligation, and we know we’ve built the most engaging, effective Spanish learning experience for children available. See if you agree.

Haylee Ziegler
Curriculum Director

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