Last Thursday night, #langchat was the place to be! As teachers popped in from around the world to discuss how to maintain district standards while incorporating proficiency-based grading, the #langchat hashtag became a trending item after just 30 minutes! Not only was there a lot of engagement over this topic, but participants were also able […]
by danielmoyle While the snow and wind blew around the country, #langchat teachers were snuggled up next to their phones and computers, excited to be back amongst friends. After a long, luxurious winter break, #langchat is back, ready to help language teachers collaborate and commiserate about what their new years’ teaching resolutions are for 2014. In […]
Project-based Learning (PBL) has become a new area of interest to educators everywhere, including world language teachers. Many #langchat participants have heard of the value of using this method to teach, so we spent last week’s discussion focusing on how to ensure that comprehensible input is integral to this inquiry-based process. Defining Comprehensible Input and […]
by -Jeffrey- It was an exciting and fun tweet-up last Thursday as we got together with some of our #langchat regulars and had a few in-person laughs at the American Convention of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). It was so much fun, we almost forgot that we were supposed to be learning and sharing online as […]
by Colin_K World language classrooms revolve around understanding and participating in a new language. For many teachers, there are still many questions about how to assess speaking activities, prepare students for success and incorporate technology into speaking lessons. On the latest #langchat, participants responded to 8 vital questions when thinking about speaking assessments. They also shared […]
On Thursday night’s #langchat, participants described what the ideal language classroom looks like as far as engagement, interaction and even noise level is concerned. Then, they shared some ways that they create an engaging and communicative language learning atmosphere in their classrooms. What is Engagement? “Students speaking in the target language more than the teacher […]
Thursday’s #langchat was a fast-paced evening of sharing links and strategies. So many of you had great ideas about how to make interpretive listening activities more fun and engaging for world language students. Our regular moderators weren’t on hand to motivate our discussion, but #langchat participants are a hardy group. Special thanks go out to […]
by FutUndBeidl If you weren’t a part of our Thursday night #langchat discussion on how to move students from novice to intermediate, you missed a great discussion. Teachers from all over the world chimed in about how they are using questioning, wall space and many other teaching tools and tricks to help prepare their novice students […]
by Camera Eye Photography There are a variety of ways to organize a world language classroom curriculum. For each teacher, the grade level, subject matter and proficiency benchmarks are so varied that it is difficult to compare one way of organizing a language-teaching unit with another. Still, on Thursday night’s #langchat, participants came up with some […]
by USDAgov One of the common ways teachers involve students in the world language classroom experience is by allowing them choice in the kinds of assignments, projects and assessments they do. During last Thursday’s #langchat discussion, participants talked about the benefits of using choice, the important things to remember when creating choice activities and some great […]