by VanHallyn Last week, Langchatters tuned in to discuss how to effectively employ common assessments in world language classes. Instructors were rushing home and putting other activities on hold to make time for #langchat! They began by sharing whether or not their district or school requires assessments. Next, participants reflected on how to prepare communicative […]
by rolohauck Last Thursday night, there was a full house for the weekly #langchat hour, and a “superspeedy” (@SraSpanglish) chat ensued! This time, participants discussed ways to facilitate vocabulary instruction. Langchatters talked about how to best select, introduce, and practice new vocabulary so that it sticks. They also brainstormed review methods that foster long-term vocabulary […]
by Iria Flavia Spanish Courses Last Thursday night, #langchat was a flurry of activity! As @KrisClimer remarked, “The #langchat is a buzz with familiar faces and some new additions!” Participants met to reflect on how to increase target language usage in the language classroom. They discussed when and where instructors should increase target language […]
by hebedesign Last week, participants were eager to jump into a new year of #langchat! Their phones were going crazy from all of the #langchat tweets circulating, causing family members to turn their heads in confusion (@profepj3: “My wife was a little frightened [because] my phone was pinging so much tonight. I replied: #langchat. Haha.”). […]
by Listen Up! Welcome back to #langchat! Last Thursday, whether Langchatters were already done with Fall term or will have to wait to wrap up the term until the new year, they all arrived eager to chat. This time, participants discussed how to handle students who are at risk of failing. The end of the […]
Finals that are communicative? How do you do that? Follow our blog on Bloglovin’ Last Thursday night, #langchat participants met to discuss some logistics of communicative summative assessment. In the middle of an action-packed hour, Twitter started to lag, and many instructors reported that their feed was no longer loading. Some Langchatters felt that Twitter just couldn’t keep […]
Last week, Langchatters met online to discuss strategies to help learners get the overall meaning of a text. Memories of ACTFL were still fresh in the heads of many, who now had faces to link to Twitter aliases. @SECottrell wrote, “Hey, great to ‘see’ you on #langchat after meeting you at #actfl14,” and @KrisClimer said, […]
In the week before Thanksgiving, participants shared why they are thankful for #langchat! This time, some of them even met off-screen at the 2014 ACTFL conference for a #langchat tweeting session. @alenord reflected on the experience of meeting Langchatters face-to-face, writing, “These #langchat folks are even cooler live! But they have weird accents!” In case […]
Last Thursday night, #langchat was back in full force! Even our seasoned moderators were out of breath trying to follow the fast paced conversation. @alenord said, “I can hardly keep up and I am a moderator!” Langchatters enthusiastically shared their thoughts on how to implement a new proficiency-based program. They discussed initial goals that instructors […]
Welcome back to #langchat! Last Thursday night, Langchatters gathered to discuss personalized instruction. Participants began by attempting to define personalization in the classroom. They then discussed whether instructors should limit student choice and, if so, where they should draw the line. Langchatters also shared their favorite ways to personalize lessons and reflected on how to […]