El tomate is verde at the top, and its body is ____.
Select the object that is rojo.
Which color is café?
What color is Camilo?
What color is the outside of a piña?
What color are las bananas?
Which one below is gris?
What color is the inside of a piña?
Which crayon is azul?
What color is the paint?
Which color is blanco?
Which color is the inside of a sandía?
What is Goyo's color?
Which one of the colors below is the color of el pimiento?
Which color is the outside of a sandía?
Which animal is rosado?
Select the color of el aguacate.
Select the food that is de color naranja.
Which color is NOT in the picture?
Which color is the top of a piña?
César is ready to swim! What color is his traje de baño?
What color is el limón?
Which food is amarilla?
What color is Raúl?
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