Spanish for Kids
Children love learning Spanish with our music videos, games, and more!
Búsqueda - Amarillo
Find all the things that are amarillo in this bathroom scene.
Búsqueda - Azul
Find the items that are azul.
Búsqueda - Blanco
Click on "cosas blancas".
Búsqueda: Café
Find the items that are café.
Búsqueda - Naranja
Click on "cosas naranjas".
Búsqueda - Negro
Click on "cosas negras".
Búsqueda - Rojo
Click on "cosas rojas".
Búsqueda - Rosado
Click on "cosas rosadas".
Búsqueda - Verde
Click on "cosas verdes".
Búsqueda - Verde
Find the items that are verde.
Card Matching - A1
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - A7
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B2
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B3
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B4
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B5
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B6
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B7
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - B8
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - C1
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - C2
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - C3
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - Animal Pairing (Level A/B)
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - Animal Pairing (Level C)
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - Animal Pairing (Level D)
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
Card Matching - Greeting Phrases
Drag images from the left to match them with corresponding images on the right.
¡Colores, colores! - Part 1
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
¡Colores, colores! - Part 2
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Crossword Puzzle - A5
Fill out the crossword puzzle.
Crossword Puzzle - A7
Fill out the crossword puzzle.
Concentration Game
Concentration games match text to images for colors, emotions, numbers, and more. Set your level for complexity. Track your progress with the timer. Hear the Spanish audio for successful matches.
Drag and Drop - Las horas
Drag and drop the names of each hour into the clock in the correct order.
Drag and Drop - La casa
Drag each word for a room of the house to the correct place to complete the poster.
Drag and Drop - La familia
Drag the correct word to label each person on the family poster.
Drag and Drop - La semana
Drag and drop the days of the week in the correct order.
Drag and Drop - Los números de 10 en 10
Drag each number word (tens up to 100) to the correct place to complete the poster.
Drag and Drop: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Drag the name of an activity to the matching activity picture to complete the poster.
Drag and Drop - Tengo Hambre, Tengo Sed Pt. 1
Drag the name of a food to the matching food picture to complete the poster.
Drag and Drop - Tengo Hambre, Tengo Sed Pt. 2
Drag the name of a food to the matching food picture to complete the poster.
Drag Text - B1
Drag and drop the words into the correct parts of the sentence.
Drag Text - A6
Drag and drop the words into the correct parts of the sentence.
Drag Text - A7
Drag and drop the words into the correct parts of the sentence.
Drag Text - Los animales
Drag and drop the words into the correct parts of the sentence.
Fill in the Blanks - Lluvia
Fill in the blanks to the song "Lluvia".
Fill in the Blanks - Pañuelito
Fill in the blanks to the song "Pañuelito".
Image Hotspots - A2
Click on the hotspots and answer the questions they ask.
Image Hotspots - A6
Click on the hotspots and answer the questions they ask.
Match the Weather!
Match six weather phrases with the correct illustration.
Memoria! A2
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Memoria! A4 (All Vocabulary)
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Memoria! A5
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Memoria! (First 6 Months)
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Memoria! (Hola/Adios/Pedro)
Play a Memory game with vocabulary words.
Memoria! (Last 6 Months)
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Memoria! ¡Colores, colores! - Part 1
Play a Memory game with vocabulary words for six household objects.
Memoria! ¡Colores, colores! - Part 2
Play a Memory game with vocabulary words for six household objects.
Memoria! En la casa
Play a Memory game with vocabulary words for six household objects.
Memoria! Gustar palabras (Level B)
Flip the cards over and memorize their location in order to pair them with the matching card.
Memoria! ¿Qué llevas hoy?
Play a Memory game with vocabulary words for six clothing items.
Sort the Paragraphs - A1
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - A2
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - A3
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - A4
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - A5D9
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - A6
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - B1
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - B2
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - C1
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
Sort the Paragraphs - C2
Sort the sentences into the correct order.
What's the order? - A2
Put the cards in order.
What's the order? - A4
Put the cards in order.
What's the order? - Days of the Week
Put the cards in order to show the days of the week in Spanish.
What's the order? - Greeting Dialogue
Put the cards in order to show a dialogue you can use to greet someone, find out their name, and say goodbye in Spanish.
What's the order? - Months of the Year
Put the cards in order to show the months of the year in Spanish.
Word Search - A1
Find the words from the grid.
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