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Get started with the Calico Spanish curriculum!

A unique way to teach Spanish without any prior Spanish knowledge! The fun and interactive music videos, activities, games, and comics combine with detailed lesson plans to guide you through each level.

Let’s take a tour...

Welcome to the Calico Spanish curriculum

Each color-coded level helps learners become more proficient in speaking Spanish.


Each level is broken into 8 units

You can see what learners will explore in each unit and what kind of activities they have to look forward to.


Daily lesson plans walk you through each step

Ten lesson plans per unit guide you through each 20- to 30-minute session. Review days are also planned out for you. Rich culture capsules appear as extra lesson plans 4-5 times per level.


Move between lessons using the handy Tab bar at the top or the "Previous" or "Next" buttons at the top and bottom of each day's plan.


Each daily lesson starts with a lesson overview

This sets out what you should achieve in the lesson and what activities you will be doing. Unit guides are also available as a PDF, so you can save them, or print them for later use.


Now the real fun begins! We start learning!

After the Lesson Overview we move on to the daily tasks - the fun part! These are varied with different kinds of activity to make sure that your students are always engaged and have fun learning alongside their new Calico friends!


Our activities are identified with handy icons:


Lesson resources are included right where you need them...

Any video, flashcard set, worksheet, PDF download, or other resource you need to teach the lesson is listed on the page, alongside the task. You can view, download, and print copies of all posters, worksheets, flash cards, and teacher resources to make use of them in your classroom.


All lesson resources are also available on the ‘Resources’ page for you to access at any time.


The Resources page is available 24/7, whenever you need it!

All lesson resources are available from our Resources page. You can access this page whenever you need it.


Remember our task icons? You’ll see them again here to help you find what you are looking for. Our resources are color-coded and sortable by level to aid you in finding the resource you're looking for, quickly.


Get printed copies of resources too!

While all of our resources are available to download and print from the Resources Library, you can also purchase high-quality, physical copies directly from Calico Spanish! To do so, please visit our pricing page.


Try Calico Spanish for Free

Explore units 1 & 7 of each level of the Calico Spanish curriculum

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